fountain pen on spiral book


a close up of a white marble surface


fountain pen on black lined paper

This is my personal journey into my thoughts. As a person, I explore both my physical world and my soul. I aim to develop my body and mind, and I am also interested in understanding my spiritual side.

Sometimes, my journeys are planned, but other times, I start without knowing where I'll end up. I like to document my journey through writing and visuals since many people today prefer visual content. In the past, people memorized long poems and stories, but now, people prefer short texts and changing visuals. Because The way people think is changing. To understand the decline of literacy, read "A is for Ox" by Barry Sanders. I'll use my blog for personal growth and as a connection to the outside world. I'll focus on generating ideas and improving my creative and critical thinking skills.

The world is changing so fast that it's hard to keep up with new technology. By the time we learn a new app or computer language, there's already a newer one. The future will be about teamwork. In the past, one person could achieve a lot, but now I believe the future will be shaped by collaborative efforts.

brass quilt pen